[texte au centre des deux colonnes ci-dessus:]
La Fédération internationale d'Helsinki a dénoncé "diverses formes de persécution de fait" dans ce pays. |
Nancy Lee Atkins Ed Bloch The Rev. Machrina L. Blasdell |
Dr. Derek Davis Director, J.M. Dawson Institute of Church-State Relations Baylor University Waco, Texas, USA Prof. Francis Dessart Council for Human Rights and Religious Freedom Belgium James V. Dougans Ministry Coordinator Indiana Partners for Christian Unity and Mission Indianapolis, Indiana, USA Willy Fautre Human Rights Without Frontier Belgium Dan Fefferman Executive Director International Coalition for Religious Freedom Washington, D.C., USA The First Church of Christ Scientist Boston, Massachussets, USA Rabbi Kenneth Fradkin New Jersey Mr. John Patrick Gilroy Chair, Peace with Justice Broome County Council of Churches Binghamton, New York, USA |
Arthur I. Golden Clerk of Session, First Presbytarian Church in Jamaica Jamaica, New York, USA Imam Baqui Hamed Host, "Al-Islam in America" New York, NY, USA The Rev. Robert E. Hanson Executive Director Interreligious Council of Central New York Syracuse, New York, USA The Rev. Gary L. Harke Executive Director Pennsylvania Council of Churches Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, USA The Rev. Dr. John E. Hiemstra Executive Director Council of Churches of the City of New York New York, NY, USA Pastor Robert Hostetter First Pastor of Protestant Liberal Church in Brussels and head of the Protestant Federal Radio/TV Emissions Belgium The Rev. Dr. Arleon L. Kelley Retired Executive Steward New York Fellowship of Churches Past President National Association of Ecumenical and Interfaith Staff Albany, New York, USA |
Mr. Stan Koehler Managing Director Meditation Awareness Network New York, NY, USA Joël La Bruyère President of Omnium des Libertés Paris, France The Rev. Charles R. Landon, Jr. Executive Director, Churches United of the Quad City Area Rock Island, Illinois, USA Mikhaïl Levdansky Rabbinical Scholar New York, NY, USA Dr. James Lewis Department of Religious Studies University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin, USA The Rev. N.J. L'Heureux, Jr. Executive Director, Queens Federation of Churches Richmond Hill, New York, USA Secretary/Moderator Committee on religious Liberty National Council of Churches of Christ in USA Dr. Franklin H. Littell Professor of Holocaust and Genocide Studies Richard Stockton College of New Jersey Pomona, New Jersey, USA |
Dr. David Little Harvard Divinity School Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA The Rev. Allen D. MacLean President, Queens Federation of Churches Richmond Hill, New York, USA The Rev. James C. Miller Executive Minister Rhode Island State Council of Churches Providence, Rhode Island, USA The Rev. James Murphy Coordinator Capital Region Ecumenical Organization Scotia, New York, USA The Rev. Jim Nicholls "Voice of Freedom" USA The Rev. Jon Norton Executive Minister Synod of New York Reformed Church in America Tarryton, New York, USA The Venerable Piyatasse President Buddhist Council of New York New York, NY, USA The Rev. Dr. John L. Pratt President, Brooklin Council of churches Brooklin, New york, USA |
Abdelkader Rhamani President Berbere Academy of Exchange and Cultural Research France The Rev. George Robertson Professor of Religion Maryland Bible College, USA Melissa Rogers General Counsel Baptist Joint Committee on Public Affairs Washington, D.C., USA Daoud Rosser-Owen President Association for British Muslims London, England Kheled Saffuir Islamic Institute Washington, D.C., USA Irving Sarnoff Founder Friends of the United Nations Los Angeles, California, USA The Rev. Dr. Lars J. Silverness Chaplain Emeritus JFK Protestant Chapel JFK International Airport New York, USA |
The Right Reverend Francis C. Spataro, D.D. Bishop Visitor, St Peter & St Paul Independant Evangelical Lutheran Church Astoria, New York, USA John M. Swomley, Ph.D President Americans for Religious Liberty Kansas City, Missouri, USA The Rev. Msgr. Hilarios Ungerer, D.D. Archbishop, Free Catholic Church in Germany Munich, Germany The Rev. K.Gordon White Associate General Secretary Consultation on church Union Lowell, Massachussetts, USA The Rev. DR. G.S. Wilson Professor of humanities Strayer University Virginia, USA The Rev. Wesley H. Wakefield Bishop-General The Bible Holiness Movement Vancouver, B.C., Canada The Rev. Hugh Wire Retired Presbytarian Church (USA) Berkeley, California, USA |