Quelques définitions correctes du mot: scientologie


english: some definitions of the word: scientology


Scientologie, "l'église" dont l'ultime sacrement est... l'extrème Ponction.

scientologie: La machine implacable à créer des esclaves

Scientologie: si horrible que vous la voyiez, vous êtes encore en-deçà de la réalité des faits.

Scientologie: "l'église" des pires menteurs: ceux ne sachant pas même de quoi ils parlent.

Scientologie, ou scientogogologie, ou bien est-ce scientautologie?

Scientologie: l'un des plus grands mouvements anti-intellectuels de l'histoire de l'humanité.

Scientologie? la secte qui hait la justice, mais passe sa vie à porter des affaires devant les tribunaiux - ou à s'y faire citer.

Scientologie? "l'église" où discuter de ses sacrements vous coûtera l'excommunication.

Scientologie? La "religion" ayant largement mérité l'ignoble réputation qu'elle s'est forgée.

Scientologie, la secte des homicides et des suicides.

Scientologie? le sytème qui, en vous donnant un nouvel espoir apparent, vous ôtera ensuite tout espoir.réalisable.

Scientologie, l'escroquerie mentalo-matérialiste qui tente désespérément d'apparaître religieuse et spirituelle.

Scientologie? la secte qui croit paraître angélique lorsqu'elle agit comme le démon.

scientologie, la secte d'Attila et Genghis Khan.

Scientologie, la secte qui ne manque jamais une occasion de se ridiculiser en prétendant à des "aptitudes extraordinaires" qu'on n'y
verra jamais.

Scientologie, l'unique pays où les seules récompenses qu'on vous "donne" vous coûtent cent mille fois ce qu'elles valent.

Scientologie, le "nouveau mouvement religieux" qui vous escroque divinement bien.

Scientologie, la secte qui tient absolument à transformer la Terre en Enfer.

Scientologie? la secte criminelle qui encaisse cyniquement auprès des plus pauvres - et même, des plus riches.

Scientologie - la pseudo-religion dont le but est un monde où autrui n'a ni argent, ni pouvoir, ni liberté, ni vie.

Scientologie la secte où l'on apprend à mieux diffamer pour mieux "gagner".

S cientologie, la seule secte en mesure nous faire un monde exclusivement constitué de déments, de criminels, et de guerres.

Scientologie? le totalitarisme si totalitaire qu'il ne peut se réfréner d'allumer des guerres derrière ses propres murs supposés

Scientologie, la secte de vautours et requins filant vers les catastrophes pour se nourrir du sang des victimes.

Scientologie, la secte du Pont qui ne mène nulle part.

Scientologie, la pseudo-religion dont les chefs sont incapables de définir ce qu'est la religion, hors les murs de leur fraude.

Scientologie, la secte du Pont menant du statut d'humain normal à celui de Rondroïde ruiné.

Scientologie? L'église professionnelle du harcèlement professionnel et de la Procédurologie -- professionelle.

Scientologie, religion des droits sacrés des maîtres sacrés de l'église du Dollar-sacré, dollar-est-dieu de la religion de la neuvième "dynamique" (supérieure à Dieu).

La "religion" qui se prétend au-dessus de Dieu.

Scientologie, la "religion" de la contradiction et des paradoxes.

scientologie, "la science" permettant d'entraîner des gens à devenir des robots dangereux

scientologie, "l'église" remplaçant votre confiance en vous en une confiance fabriquée en les mensonges d'un escroc.

scientologie, la religion dont les rites et la célébration se disent "faites de l'argent, faites plus d'argent, obtenez que d'autres fassent plus d'argent.

scientologie, 'l'église' où perversion et criminalité sont sacrées - à condition qu'elles viennent de "membres en bon standing"
[=qui aident la secte]

scientologie, "l'église" dont les chefs ont toujours fixé des buts impossibles à des staffs incompétents

scientologie, la secte incitant ses membres au suicide s'ils témoignent leur désaccord, ou s'ils refusent de faire davantage de "donations".

scientologie: "Nous volons votre pognon, mais nous sommes une "
religion de bonne foi" - dont le dieu est la 9e dynamique : l'ARGENT.

scientologie, l'église du positionnement mensonger et des publicités mensongères

scientologie? "l'église" qui vous permet de choisir seulement les pires amis: des sectaires totalitaires

scientologie, La moins charitable des "religions" au monde, celle où charité se définit par " action commençant et s'achevant à soi".

éthique en scientologie? une affaire d'état d'esprit, à ne jamais rapprocher d'aucun fait quant à l'escroquerie scientologue

Scientologie? la "religion" qui se dit au-dessus de dieu.

scientologie, "religion" de contradictions et paradoxes.

(l'essentiel des définitions qui précèdent est du webmaster. Les lecteurs et visiteurs peuvent les reproduire à volonté!)

This part is itself in two parts:

-webmaster's definitions and

-other participants to the usenet newsgroup alt.religion.scientology definitions.

"Scientology? The cult wanting to "clear" the planet -- of everyone and everything.

Scientology: no matter how worse you see it, you're still behind the reality of the facts you don't see about it.

Scientology, the "church" where most known crime cult attorney's daughter die horribly in 7200 underground vaults - while "chasing" after squirrels. (Scientology, the "church" where squirrels are able to enter an underground vault after having lifted its 200 lbs hermetic cast iron.)

Scientology, the church with the worse liars: those ignoring what they speak of.

"Church of Scientology, one of the great anti-intellectual movements of our

Scientology, the "church" where speaking of its "sacraments" can cost you to be excommunicated.

Scientology, the "religion" having gotten the horrible repute it deserved.

Scientology, the cult of homicides and suicides.

Scientology, church where the ultimate sacrament is the Extreme Punction.

Scientology: the system which, by giving you first an apparent new hope, is
later able to take any hope away from you.

Scientology, the mind scam wanting desperately to appear religious or

Scientology, the cult believing it'll be seen as an Angel if acting as the

Scientology? Attilas' cult.

Scientology, the cult that can't refrain from ridiculizing itself in almost
every circumstances by doing extraordinary pretentious claims of "abilities" it has never desmonstrated

Scientology, the only "country" where awards are mostly given in exchange
for money -- lots of.

Scientology, the "new religious movement" defrauding godlikely big.

Scientology, the cult wanting to make this planet a prison.

Scientology, the criminal cult cynically cashing in on all sides.

Scientology: the pseudo-religion whose aim is a world without others having
any money, any power, any freedom, any life.

Scientology, the cult of how to better libel and defame.

Scientology, the only cult able to make this planet a world of demence, of criminality and of war.

Scientology, the totalitarism so totalitarist that it can't refrain from
SETTING wars inside its own supposedly peaceful walls.

Scientology, the sharks and vultures cult gliding over catastrophes to feed
on death's blood

Scientology, the cult of the bridge leading nowhere.

Scientology, the pseudo-religion whose leaders are unable to define what
religion is, outside their fraud.

The cult of the Bridge leading from normal Humanity to Ruined Rondroïdity.

The professional church of Harrassment and Fair-Gaming (or: the Church of
Professionals of harrasment and Fair-Gaming)

Scientology, the church of the sacred Dollar, cult of the dollar-is-god, religion of the
ninth dynamic (money), religion of the sacred rights of criminal sacred masters

The religion which pretends to be over god itself (evidences written by its guru)

Scientology, the "religion" of contradictions and paradoxes.

Scientology, the science of how to train normal people into nocuous animal-robots

Scientology, the church replacing your self-confidence by a faked
confidence in a crook's rants.

Scientology, the religion where "religious celebration" means "make money,
make more money, get others making more money".

Scientology, the cult preferring to have its underage sexually abused than
the abusers sent to the police.

Scientology, the 'church' where perversion and criminality is sacred if
coming from a member "in good standing" [= helping the criminal cult].

Scientology, the church whose leaders have always fixed impossible goals to
incompetent members.

Scientology, the church encouraging directly or indirectly its members to suicide if they disagree,
or if they don't want to make "more donations".

Scientology: We steal your money, but we are a bona fide religion -- about
money, the 9th dynamic.

Scientology the church of the boasting positioning and lying announces.

Scientology? The church which allows to choose one's friends worse.

Scientology, the very least charitable "religion" of the world; the one where the definition of charitable means only "good charity
starts and ends at oneself".

Scientology ethics: only a matter of state of mind, never to be linked to
any truth about the scam.

ars definitions:

(GI Joe): It's own stated primary "governing policy" is to steal money which makes Scientology an organized crime syndicate roughly the equal to the Gambino Mafia. Certainly the crime syndicate's history proves it.--//- To me, Scientology means the same as it did to Elvis when he said: "F - - - those people! There's no way I'll ever get involved with that son-of-a-bitchin' group. All they want is my money."

(Feisty): A fraudulent, ill conceived corporation that deceives by saying (to loyal paying) members that the route to total freedom and good health are just one course ahead, one course ahead, one course step ahead, one course ahead..., and people who stop giving money and loyalty are called insane, suppressive criminals with overt crimes, based on the information they originally collected in so-called confessionals

(Chris Leithiser) $cientology is a for-profit organization molded into the guise of a religion with methods and goals which are contrary to the public benefit, supported largely by well-meaning individuals who mistakenly took the founder's lies at face value.

(Roland Rashleigh-Berry): Brain-dead clams

(Arnie Lerma): Legalized robbery by calling it belief

(The Raven) A pseudo scientific endeavour to extract as much money as possible from the populace as possible without giving anything of an substantive value in return.
Kinda like Microsoft, but you can't do anything with scientology. At least with windoze you can look at the pretty blue screensaver.

(Susan) : Scientology, generally viewed as synonymous with the Church of Scientology, is an insidious, money driven, vengeful organization, demonstrated by its infiltration of the community via its front groups, PR campaign, method of indoctrination of its members and, the resultant litany of stories told by individuals and the media, ranging from the good it has done to the bad it has done, the latter prosecuted by the Church of Scientology as it follows its scripture instructing them to utterly destroy its detractors.

(Stacy Brooks-Rinder): You will know them by their rotten fruits

(Magoo): Scientology is a philosophy put together by a severe, lying con man who mostly stole the materials which promise to make the "able more able", and in fact in a very methodical way, breaks down these same good people, and turns them into unthinking, duped, robots who can no longer think for themselves, read for themselves, or communicate with anyone outside this so-called "Great and powerful" show--who now insist they are better than most, often lose part of their own families, are positive they are 'on the road to freedom'--and they've paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to reach such 'hightened awarenesses'.

(Valerie) : Any Shill in a Media storm -- // - Scientology: You hate to admit you're a member, but they force you -- // - The Church that claims they are warm, benevolent and compatible with every other religion, and L.Ron told them to attack if you dare say they aren't.

(Correct One): An para-military organization who masquerades under a shell of corporate entities, whose primary source of income is the sale of pseudo-psychiatric counseling services for which it fiercely guard's and defends under an umbrella of lies, fraud, deception, intelligence gathering, extortion, black mail and various forms of subliminal manipulation through repetitive recitations that leads members to believe that after spending thousands of dollars for services, will somehow lead them to freedom, which by itself, is a repetitive lie.

(Mike O'Connor) The controvery over Scientology is not about religion, it's about abuse of people and the law.

(Mimus): Scientology is a fraudulent, racketeering, terroristic and subversive totalitarianism, the newest totalitarianism, and its harboring and indeed nurturing by the State governments of California and Florida and the US Federal government is one of the greatest law enforcement and national securit scandals in the history of the United States, all of which makes the subject of intense interest to a student of totalitarian studies and government scandals, such as myself.

(Shy David): Scientology doesn't "mean" anything to me, no more than the mafia "means" anything to me, or the Ku Klux Klan, or the International Flat Earth Research Society, or the Institute for Creation Research, or Aryan Nation, or the Taliban. They all have the same fundamental character trait: they are at their core abusive and detremental to humanity. They have no personal "meaning" to me: does a parasite induce any "meaning" into its victim's life?
Describing Scientology, however, takes a great deal of effort, study,
and writing: it cannot be done adequately in a single sentence.

(Scott Perry): The 21st Century's version of the the Spanish-Inquisition, the Ku-Klux-Klan, and the Third Reich, all rolled up into one

(Dave Bird): Scientology is a moneymaking scam in the form of a quack psychotherapy which took the outward forms of religion to avoid taxes & prosecution: it is nothing less that a systematic description, by an insane author, of how to act out the role of an insane psychopath, and finally to imagine that you have his "cocaine bugs".

(one author has not been quoted, for decency :-))